


Love's beautiful

Leann is my name =) and I love my baby,Vik

We Had Together

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 5:38 PM

the right decision

hmm.. Okkar talked to me on msn the other night when I was in Stockholm.

He said something like, "Before the jealous, screwed-up me wakes up.. No, I think.. I'm sure, you made the right decision. I loved you, but it's damn fucking hard to keep telling myself I couldn't anymore."

I didn't know how to reply him. I wish I could tell him things would have been different if he had replied my messages and called me more often when he was in Europe, but that isn't true. Things would remain the same even if Vik didn't appear. Vik's liking me just made things so much easier for me. And I know, he is the right decision.

Monday, April 12, 2010 @ 5:15 AM





i feel so much better after explaining to you why i was angry with you.. so i really hope you understand now. i hope we can always talk things out, clarify any misunderstandings everytime we're unhappy with each other, baby. i hope we'll never fight. =)

i love you baby.

Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 2:11 AM


when you didn't pick up the calls
i started thinking too much
and i started crying
then we talked..
i started crying again
because i don't think i'm good enough for you
i know you're trying to make me feel better, i know you love me too
i wanted consolation
not lectures from you
when i was already feeling so lousy
and you just had to bring up what my cousins said
i do not want any more lectures, baby
i just want you to tell me what i wanted to hear..

and you want me to be independent
i don't know how you think i'm doing
but i can tell you i'm already crying much less
it's been very tough for me, baby
i JUUUST want some comforting words from you
and that is ALL

i'm sorry..
for making you compromise with what you don't want to do
and i'm sorry
for being so needy
for being so lousy

i will try to live up to your expectations
because i love you
i want to be your woman forever
but i hope you will try to understand me too

i stopped crying not because the phone call and a few cold words from you really help
but because i was scared that i'd go blind if i continued crying
even my nose bled because i blew it too much

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ 8:29 PM


Friday, March 26, 2010 @ 12:30 AM

10th monthversary

i love you, baby.
2 months are quite long.. i miss you so so so so soooooooo bad! i just wanna see your pretty face and be held tenderly by you again.
i wanna go home.

Thursday, March 4, 2010 @ 2:08 AM

@ 1:53 AM

New Skin

I got a new skin for this emo blog. Now, it looks soooo happy! Haha. And this is definitely because I'm happy now.

I have a boyfriend who loves me deeply. And I love him with all my heart too.
What more can I ask for?

I'm thankful that you found me, baby.
Can you please sing 第一个清晨 for me again? I love that song..

这照片,正是在我们的第一个清晨拍的 =)


❝When you are in love,
you can't fall asleep.
Because reality is better
than your dream.❞

i love you,
baby .