


Love's beautiful

Leann is my name =) and I love my baby,Vik

We Had Together

April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010 @ 5:38 PM

the right decision

hmm.. Okkar talked to me on msn the other night when I was in Stockholm.

He said something like, "Before the jealous, screwed-up me wakes up.. No, I think.. I'm sure, you made the right decision. I loved you, but it's damn fucking hard to keep telling myself I couldn't anymore."

I didn't know how to reply him. I wish I could tell him things would have been different if he had replied my messages and called me more often when he was in Europe, but that isn't true. Things would remain the same even if Vik didn't appear. Vik's liking me just made things so much easier for me. And I know, he is the right decision.


❝When you are in love,
you can't fall asleep.
Because reality is better
than your dream.❞

i love you,
baby .